How To Glorify the Lord

Every Person Was Created To Honour and Glorify God!

Psalm 34:1-10


I.      Introduction (Rev 4:11; 5:12)


A.    God created all humans to give glory, honour, and power back to Him! We all like these things, but only God is worthy! No one else deserves worship!

B.    The Lord seeks people to worship Him (John 4:23,24) - He desires it

C.    The issue is, “How are we to glorify the Lord?” Is it, “anything goes?” Or has the Lord instructed us clearly in His word?  I believe He has!

D.    Let’s take the time this morning to learn how a sinner, can honour, glorify, and worship so great a God, as the Lord God Almighty!


II.    Message - How To Glorify The Lord (Ps 34:1-10)


A.    You Glorify Him When You Choose To Glorify The Lord (34:1)


1.        Humans are NOT robots - we have a free-will that must be exercised toward God - Note David’s “I WILL” (34:1)!

2.     I don’t glorify Christ Jesus automatically - I must choose ever day WHOM I am going to honour and glorify! I used to spend so much time and energy glorifying myself, and my sin before I got saved - it was my choice! But now that I am saved, I choose to glorify my Saviour!

3.     It requires an effort, strive - pay the price - not easy!

4.        King David had made the choice as a child, long before he became king, and God knew it (Acts 13:22)

5.        Don’t wait until you are rich and famous before you start to honour the Lord - Don’t wait until heaven - choose today!


B.    You Can Glorify Him In A Variety of Ways (34:1,2)


1.     By Blessing the Lord - doing things “just for Him” to make Him happy (like with your wife, husband or children) That’s blessing!

2.     By Praising the Lord - By listing all the things that God has done JUST for YOU! Tell Him you realize it - don’t take it for granted!


a.     Gave me my life, and my each and every breath!

b.     Left His home above and came to earth to die in my place

c.     Sought me out, and patiently waited for me to turn from sin

d.     Wrote me a Bible that I could trust

e.     Saved my soul from hell and gave me eternal life

f.      Gave me a home in heaven

g.     Gave me a family to beat all

h.     Called me to serve Him and preach and teach His word!


3.     By Boasting of the Lord - Spend time in your conversations boasting about God! Boast about your Saviour! The One you love!


a.     What is it that YOU boast about? YOUR accomplishments?

b.     YOUR Possessions?

c.     Or your wonderful Lord? To the real Christian, this ought not be so unusual! You ought to be shouting AMEN!


4.     By magnifying the Lord (34:3a)


a.     Get up-close to Him! Let Him fill-up your whole view!

b.     Spend time making Him BIG again in the eyes of this world!


5.        When? At all times! See Job 1:20-22! Learn that God is not to blame for all your troubles! Don’t be a “fair-weather” Christian. Learn to praise Him anyway!


C.    You Glorify Him When You Get Others Involved (34:2,3) - not a totally “private” matter


1.     If you honour the Lord in your walk, and in your talk, it will show, and according to this Scripture, it will ATTRACT!


a.     A humble heart will respond to your praising, and boasting of Christ

b.     A hungry heart will seek to join in on your worship

c.     That is what real church is about - exalting His name together


2.     If you start honouring the Lord:


a.     You will begin to realize that you can’t do it all yourself - you can’t do Him justice! He is so worthy!

b.     You will soon desire that more and more sinners would be glorifying our great God! Want to let more “get in on it!”


3.     We have no desire to “keep to ourselves” We have GOOD NEWS! We have a GREAT SAVIOUR! We have something this old world needs - it tries to counterfeit salvation, joy, peace - we got it!


D.    You Glorify Him When You Have Personal Experience Yourself (34:4-6)


1.     Put God to the test


a.     That’s why He wrote that Book! So you could test Him and see if He is not the King of kings and Lord of lords!

b.     See if He will not save your soul today

c.     See if He will not give you a changed life!


2.     God wants to be personal with you (34:4) Not theoretical, but real!

3.        Look around (34:5,6) - take note of the others who have met Christ Jesus - there are so many testimonies even right here

4.     But, our testimonies of what God has done for us are only good enough for ourselves - it is time that you got your own WALK with God, your own experiences of what God can do!


E.     You Glorify Him When You Fear Him - Nothing Else (34:7,9)


1.        Requires Spiritual Perception - We walk by faith and not by sight - there is more to life than what meets the eye

2.     God wants you to fear ONLY Him

3.     You can only do that once you come to know how He works - He does not always work visibly - but spiritually (2 Kings 6)

4.        Dealing with spiritual battles (1 Pet 5:8)

5.     God is looking for us to stay on the winning side (Eph 4:27)


a.     Don’t fear your co-workers - Live for our Lord Jesus! It is HIM to whom we must answer, not them!

b.     Don’t fear your family - Live for our Lord Jesus!

c.     Don’t fear friends (pressure to conform) - Live for the Lord!

d.     Live the life that Christ wants you to live (1 Cor 6:19,20)! That will truly glorify Him!


F.     You Glorify Him When You Fully Trust Him (34:8)


1.        None of this “half-hearted” stuff here! Can’t play on any sports team I know of if you are not 100% behind the coach

2.     To trust the God of this Bible is to take Him at His word:


a.     For salvation from sin

b.     For finding His will for your life

c.     For everything you can’t do! Learn to fully trust Him (Pr 3:5)


3.     This is called “tasting” and finding out that He is good - enjoy!


G     You Glorify Him When You Seek Him - Not His (34:10)


1.     Far too many Christians only seek God’s blessings, instead of a daily relationship with Christ! My wife does not want my billfold, she wants ME! My kids don’t want toys, they way ME!

2.        Focus your energies on seeking HIM!!!


a.     Seek His pleasure (Cf Rev 4:11)

b.     Seek His exaltation - even at your expense (Cf John 3:30)

c.     Seek His attention - His fellowship

d.     Seek His will - What HE thinks about situations


III.   Conclusion - How Can A Person Glorify and Honour the Lord!


A.    Glorify Him By Choosing To Glorify The Lord (34:1)

B.    Glorify Him In A Variety of Ways (34:1,2)

C.    Glorify Him By Getting Others Involved (34:2,3)

D.    Glorify Him By Having Personal Experience Yourself (34:4-6)

E.     Glorify Him By Fearing Him - and Nothing Else (34:7,9)

F.     Glorify Him By Fully Trusting Him (34:8)

G     Glorify Him By Seeking Him - Not His (34:10)