Six Exceptions to the Laws of God

Psalm 119:18


DATE: 18 Sept, 2005 PM

PLACE: BBC Ballincollig

I.         Introduction (Pr 30:4; Psalm 119:18)


A.      There are some wonderful things about God’s laws – even the fact that there are exceptions to His laws!

B.       His exceptions are not so you can live the way YOU want to, free from His laws, but so that you can live FOR Him, and live free from the control of the world, the flesh and the devil!

C.       I am glad for the laws of God


1.        Laws are good – fixed rules of how things work

2.        This universe operates on some incredible laws

3.        A safe society operates under laws too – not anarchy

4.        A home must live by rules and laws as well


D.      But I am more glad for exceptions to those laws


1.        A home or a society that has laws, but doesn’t live by them is no home at all – is no place to live at all – it is dangerous!

2.        But, sometimes, exceptions need to be made


E.       God has made some exceptions to His laws – and they all end up being miracles because there is no normal, natural way for the laws of God to be broken, or else they could not be called LAWS!


II.       Message


A.      Regeneration  – goes against the law of sin and death!


1.        God has a law that goes like this – you sin… you die (Ezek 18:4; Rom 6:23a)!

2.        But God made an exception, praise God (Eph 2:1; John 3:3; Rom 8:1,2; John 11:26)

3.        It happens when a person is born again – regenerated – saved from the law of sin, death, and hell!

4.        Thank God for the exception to that rule, made possible by Jesus Christ!


B.       Repentance – goes against the fixed-result of pride


1.        God has a law that causes people with pride and stubbornness to be destroyed (Pr 16:18; 29:1). It is as basic as the rising of the sun. You live by pride, you fall!

2.        But God made an exception (Luke 13:3; Jonah)

3.        It occurs when a person sees their sin, and turns from it, and repents toward God, humbling themselves, and God suspends the law that was going to destroy their lives!

4.        Praise God for mercy and grace when we don’t deserve them!


C.       Righteousness – goes against the curse


1.        God established the law of the curse (Gen 3:17-19)

2.        Because of Adam’s sin, everything is hard – everything is against us – everything we do will have to be by toil and sweat and struggle, and with much heartache and sorrow

3.        THAT is God’s punishment upon disobedience!

4.        But God made an exemption from that law (Mt 6:33) – it is called righteous living – it allows for things to be blessed when they shouldn’t be!


a.        It is a life lived in obedience to the word of God (Ps 1:1-3)

b.       It is a life lived following Jesus Christ

c.        And it experiences blessings, and joy, and success like never could have been experienced in the world or in sin!


D.      Resting/Trusting – goes against the law of decay


1.        God established a law of decay – that things will wear out and fall apart and die (Ps 102:25,26) – second law of thermodynamics – everything wears out!

2.        It also is part of the original curse because of Adam’s sin

3.        We all struggle against aging, and growing tired, and clothes wearing out, and cars not working, and computers breaking down

4.        But God made an exception to the rule of decay (Isa 40:31) – it is called Resting, and Trusting

5.        What happens is, our lives extend longer than they should (stress shortens our lives), and our days play out slower and more enjoyable

6.        God offers this exception to everyone, but rarely is it taken up (Isa 30:15)

7.        To rest is to cast all our care upon Jesus (1Pet 5:7)

8.        If we don’t learn this, we die young and defeated.


E.       Resurrection – goes against the finality of death


1.        God established another fixed law, called the law of the finality of death – people are not sleeping when they die – they are separated from their bodies – they are GONE (Luke 16:22,23; 2Cor 5:8; Rom 5:14,17; 1Cor 15:22)!

2.        That’s why funerals are sad – they are final! The doctors are supposed to make sure a person is really dead before they put them in a casket!

3.        But God made an exception to this law, PRAISE GOD (1Cor 15:55-57) – it is called the resurrection! It defeats the power of the grave!

4.        Christ gave us the wonderful, and the sure hope of the resurrection!


F.       Rapture – goes against the law of Gravity


1.        God established a law called Gravity – it holds things down (Job 7:9; Jer 49:16)

2.        It is part of a greater law that pulls things even further down (Ps 73:18,19)

3.        But God gave a wonderful exception called… the Rapture! One of these days, some people are going to go STRAIGHT UP (1Thes 4:15-17)

4.        It is called the most blessed hope because it happens to people who are living! Christians who are already dead, their bodies shall rise in the resurrection, and live again, but those who are alive shall go up without ever dying! Hallelujah!


III.     Conclusion


A.      Aren’t you glad for God’s laws

B.       But aren’t you even gladder for the exceptions to God’s laws – miracles!

C.       Praise God for:


1.        Regeneration  – goes against the law of sin and death!

2.        Repentance – goes against the fixed-result of pride

3.        Righteousness – goes against the curse

4.        Resting/Trusting – goes against the law of decay

5.        Resurrection – goes against the finality of death

6.        Rapture – goes against the law of Gravity


Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland