While Passing Through The land...

The Christian’s Relationship With This World

Numbers 20:14-22


I.      Introduction - Rom 15:4


A.    Israel has come out of Egypt - Bondage/Slavery

B.    Are now heading into the land promised to them by God - Canaan land - the Promised Land

C.    All of this stuff here has application to us


1.     The Passover        Salvation by the blood of the Lamb

2.        Egypt, Bondage, Slavery        World, Sin, Its Control

3.        Pharaoh        The god of this world, Anti-christ

4.     The Red Sea        Baptism - Full commitment

5.     Mt. Sinai        Integrating God’s word

6.     The Promised Land        The Will of God, and even heaven


II.    Message - While Passing Through The Land... (Numbers 20:14-22)


A.    Have A Testimony (20:14-16; 1 Pet 3:15)


1.        Involves having an identity


a.     Where you came from - Egypt (life of sin)

b.     Where you are going - Promised Land (heaven)

c.     Who you are - God’s people (sons and daughters of God)


There are the missing ingredients in modern education


2.        Involves putting the past behind you - not missing the “good ol’ days” (garlicks, leeks, onions)

3.        Involves declaring your complete dependency upon the Lord - none of what has occurred in Israel’s history so far has been by their own ability - but by the Lord - same with the Christian!


B.    Stay On Course (20:16)


1.     Life may have gotten easier since Egypt, but you have not arrived!

2.        Involves not getting entangled along the way (2 Tim 2:4), trying to settle for second best (Israel does this later when 2 1/2 tribes settle outside of the promised land)

3.        Don’t run from possible conflicts - face them

4.     Put all your focus on that target, and be willing to humble yourself in front of others in order to obtain your goal - we are not called to force our way through life


C.    Accept the fact that You Don’t Fit Anymore (20:16; Heb 11:8-10,13,14; Rom 12:1,2) - Not accepted, appreciated!


1.        Edom and Israel had been brothers (Esau and Jacob) - related

2.     But now Jacob had become Israel, and Esau had become Edom

3.     Two different families (John 8:44) - they don’t get along anymore

4.        Edom (the people of this world) live only for things of this world

5.        Pilgrims and strangers don’t have anything exciting to offer this world - not into the top fashions, fast life, high finance - more interested in keeping the Lord first, and keeping their families together, and loving and serving God with their whole heart!


D.    Be People of Character (20:17,19)


1.        Honour people’s lives and possessions - it’s usually all they have! Teach your kinds this!!!

2.        Honour your word - don’t just say things to get along with people

3.     Stay above-board so to speak. On the king’s high-way. Live an open life, out in the open. Live a life that can be examined (not perfect, but honest).

4.     Be consistent in you walk. Don’t just start out living the Christian life, stick to it - for testimony sake

5.     Pay your bills as you go - do your best to keep from passing debt upon your children. Used to be parents would pass on savings!

6.     Live simply - go through on foot! Humbly, not proud on horses!


E.     Realize That The King of This World Does Not Want You Here (20:18,20)


1.     You are in enemy territory - be aware!

2.     He will rise against you as you seek to follow the Lord

3.     He will not respond to reason - be reasonable anyway

4.        Leave Him to another day (Rom 12:19,20)


F.     Be Flexible (20:21)


1.        Your battle is not with flesh and blood (Eph 6:12) but in the middle of God’s will.

2.        Press on to the real battle ahead - for being right in the middle of God’s will - it is not the same as in a hurricane - it sometimes can be the very opposite!

3.        What may have seemed to be the best course, may turn out to have been a test - both of you, and of others


G.    Keep Your Focus on the Target Destination - Kept Going (20:22)


1.     God called them to go to the Promised Land - God will get them there (1Th 5:24) The quality of the trip may not be what you want

2.     Just keep pressing on


III.   Conclusion -

While Passing Through The land... - Study Outline

The Christian’s Relationship With This World

Numbers 20:14-22


I.      Introduction - Rom 15:4


A.    Israel has come out of Egypt - Bondage/Slavery

B.    Are now heading into the land promised to them by God - Canaan

C.    All of this stuff here has application to us


1.     The Passover        Salvation by the ________ of the Lamb

2.        Egypt, Bondage, Slavery        ____________, Sin, Its Control

3.        Pharaoh        The _______ of this world, Anti-christ

4.     The Red Sea        ____________ - Full commitment

5.     Mt. Sinai        Integrating God’s __________

6.     The Promised Land        The Will of God, and even __________


II.    Message - While Passing Through The Land... (Numbers 20:14-22)


A.    Have A _______________ (20:14-16; 1 Pet 3:15)


1.        Involves having an _______________


a.     Where you came from - Egypt (life of sin)

b.     Where you are going - Promised Land (heaven)

c.     Who you are - God’s people (sons and daughters of God)


2.        Involves putting the past behind you

3.        Involves declaring your complete dependency upon the Lord


B.    Stay On Course (20:16)


1.     Life may have gotten easier since Egypt, but you have not arrived!

2.        Involves not getting ________ along the way (2 Tim 2:4)


C.    Accept the fact that You Don’t ________ Anymore (20:16; Heb 11:8-10,13,14; Rom 12:1,2) - Not accepted, appreciated!


Christians are ___________ and _______________ to this world


D.    Be People of _______________ (20:17,19)


1.        Honour people’s lives and possessions

2.        Honour your word

3.     Stay on the king’s high-way. Live an open life

4.     Be consistent in you walk.

5.     Pay your bills as you go

6.     Live simply - go through on foot! Humbly, not proud on horses!


E.     Realize That The King of This World Does Not Want You Here (20:18,20) You are in enemy territory - be aware

F.     Be ________ (20:21) Your battle is not with flesh & blood (Eph 6:12)

G.    Keep Your Focus on the Target Destination - Keep Going (20:22)