What To Do With The Cross

How Does the Cross Affect Lives Today?

Acts 17:1-6


I.      Introduction -


A.      Churches preach a lot of things these days: social justice, psychological helps, making people “feel good,” but there is very little mention about “the Cross.”

B.       What is the Cross? It is an offensive instrument of suffering and death - To the world, it is the place where a religious fanatic was defeated. For the Christian, it is the place where our sins were paid for. But so what? What does that have to do with US, here, today?

C.       What are WE to do with the Cross? Die on it again? Forget about it? Hide it? Pretend like it didn’t happen? Some people end up wearing it around their neck, or on their ears. Some people even worship it - there enough “pieces of the cross” to build an ark! No! There is something very important we need to do with the cross of Calvary!

D.      There are four things EVERY person in this room must do with the cross - that will turn this world upside down; will transform lives; and will turn men and women, teenagers, and young and old alike away from sin, and back to God!


II.    Message - What To Do With The Cross (Acts 17:1-6)


A.    Take Its Shame (Acts 17:1) - First thing… Choose It! How?


1.        Accept it yourself - the starting point of Christianity is not the manger, but the cross (Luke 9:23-26)! To follow Jesus to heaven requires that you:


a.       Accept the cross as the ONLY payment for your sins! “I’ll take it!

b.       Focus your attention on the events of that day, and accept that it was all for YOU! Don’t talk about how “other” people need it, but not you!

c.       Paul accepted it back in Acts 9. I accepted it in 1980 - Made a choice!


2.        Carry it with you somewhere - don’t leave it home, or in church! DAILY


a.       Paul carried the cross - not like the conquistadors, or crusaders - in his heart and life, throughout the then known world! You can take the cross, by your life, to a empty, and dying world, and tell them Someone has already died in their place, so that they can have eternal life!

b.       Don’t be ashamed of the cross - humiliating, not popular, not fashionable - so, be proud of the cross! Not as a symbol, but as salvation itself

c.       Don’t dread, or fear its exposure! It is the most beautiful spot on earth, the most wonderful of events, the most incredible of miracles - where God took MY place!

d.       Don’t think that there are any exceptions - every person, has to get to the place where the cross is dear to them - enough to take it with them throughout their entire life - till the whole world knows


B.    Endure Its Burden (Acts 17:1) - Uphold It! DAILY!


1.        The burden of the cross is its offence to the world - like the flag of an enemy country high on a pole! To have to stand by that flag!

2.        Christ’s burden will not crush you - Christ promises (Mt 11:28-30) Paul had started off because of the cross, and had endured many a persecution, and heartache, but never crushed (2 Cor 4:8,9)

3.        Not EVERYTHING has been done for you by Christ - He paid your sin-debt, but has not made it so you have no cross to bear! No coach can play the game for his players - they must get out on the field themselves, and face off with the opponents - our game is won, but our opponents don’t agree with the decision!

4.        How can a Christian endure their cross?


a.       Be consistant in your life for Christ, faithfulness, loyalty to Him, His word (knowing this Book, not just “ABOUT” it), His people (can’t claim to be a Christian when you can’t get along with them)!

b.       Endure the burden of the cross out of love (1 Cor 13:4,7) - we put up with stuff all the time: babies, husbands, wives, jobs, parents - shame

c.       We are able to do it only when we keep our eyes on Him (Heb 12:2,3)


C.    Preach Its Message (Acts 17:2,3) - Use It!


1.     Paul goes straight into the lion’s den (the Jews) to tell them about the cross


a.       The Jews were quite content with their religion

b.       But they needed to hear the gospel - about the cross - about how they had crucified their Saviour (this is what Peter and Stephen had kept reminding the people about throughout Acts).

c.       Christ had given Paul a Bible to preach, and a cross to proclaim to the whole world, that our only Saviour had died there! Why? For our sin!


2.        The cross of Jesus is not a popular message about a submissive servant to mankind - it is about Someone dying for the awfulness of sin - that God is holy, and righteous, and pure, and cannot be approached in our sin

3.        So many “churches” preach a Christ-less, cross-less, blood-less gospel - only want a “feel-good” service instead of a “preach it brother!” meeting!

4.        How to preach the message of the cross:


a.       With joy. Not dragging the cross, but carrying it from person to person

b.       With words (1 Cor 1:17,18,22-24; Gal 3:1) - make it visual, vivid, w/ passion, evident (make it so that the hearer is able to place themselves at the cross looking up at his or her Saviour) - no need for a crucifix!

c.       With works (life) - so many words, but so little life in Christianity - start living this Book, and you will start living the cross (2 Ti 3:12)


D.    Glory in Its Effect (Acts 17:4-6) - Get Excited About It!


1.        Some people glory in their Race, Religion, Rituals, accomplishments (Cf Gal 6:12-15) - I died to all that, and IT died to me - no attraction

2.        But the Christian glories in the cross! Why? Because THAT is the place where ALL our victories were won (not BEING won, but were finished) - Every thing that was against us, was removed by Christ at the cross (Col 2:13-16). How could we get excited about anything less?

3.        Notice the effects of the cross in Acts 17


a.       Some people were getting saved - getting GLAD

b.       Some people were getting savage - getting MAD

c.       But the world was being turned UPSIDE-DOWN!


All by the preaching of the cross of Christ!


III.   Conclusion - So what are you going to do with the Cross?


A.    Take Its Shame (Acts 17:1) - First thing… Choose It! How?


1.        Accept it yourself  - get saved!

2.        Carry it with you somewhere - don’t leave it home, or in church! DAILY


B.    Endure Its Burden (Acts 17:1) - Uphold It! DAILY! How can a Christian endure their cross? Be consistant in your life for Christ, Endure the burden of the cross out of love, keep your eyes on Him

C.    Preach Its Message (Acts 17:2,3) - Use It! Not a popular message


1.        With joy. Not dragging the cross, but carrying it from person to person

2.        With words

3.        With works (life)


D.    Glory in Its Effect (Acts 17:4-6) - Get Excited About It! No greater joy!


Pastor Craig Ledbetter
Bible Baptist Church Blarney

29 Westcourt Heights

Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland
