A Father’s Job

What Are God’s Expectations of Fatherhood These Days?

Job 1:1-8

DATE: 15 June, 1997   AM          PLACE: BBC Blarney


I.      Introduction -


A.    A whole book in the Bible is written about one father - Job - “Persecuted one”

B.    Job in just a few verses helps us see just what a father’s job is today! What God expects a Dad to be and do has never changed! And they are not too hard!


II.    Message - A Father’s Job (Job 1:1-8)


A.    Have A Good Testimony (Job 1:1; Heb 11:5) One of Integrity - inner strength


1.        Perfect - Spiritually Mature - Obedient to God - Saved

2.        Upright before God - not ashamed - Sure

3.        Fearing only God - not living a lie (Jn 12:42,43) Steadfast (unmoveable)

4.        Eschew Evil - detest, despise things wicked and wrong - Sanctified from Wicked imaginations - grieves you. Foul language; name of God in vain


B.    Have A Family (Job 1:2)


1.     It is OK to have children! No matter what people say! Children are a blessing from God - when they are a curse, it is because you are only reaping what you sow - they are just acting like you act - selfish!

2.     It is even OK to have lots of children! Forget the world’s demand for 1.4 children per couple! China permits no more than 1 child!

3.     It is hard to be a father unless you have children! The greatest reward of adulthood is a child looking up to you and waiting for you to lead them!

4.        Never be afraid of having a family, and growing your family - no matter what the economical climate is - enjoy your family!


C.    Have A Job (Job 1:3) And be Good at It!


1.        When God created Adam and Eve, He created them to work (Gen 2:15)

2.        When Adam and Eve sinned, God cursed man’s efforts so that we have to work harder - God fixed it so we will die if we don’t work (2 Thes 3:10)

3.        Work hard at your job - do your best (Col 3:23) - never settle for 2nd best. Best workers in Cork ought to be Christian not money-hungry workers


D.    Have an Obligation (Job 1:4-7) - Protect Your Children! This is the most important part of this message!


1.        Instruct Them - “sanctify them” - train them (Dt 6:4-7)


a.     Make them different - set them apart from the crowd - if you don’t, they will surely become different, and be LIKE the crowd (hair, talk)!

b.     Take the time to teach them HOW to live right - we require it, but are wrong to do so. We expect the school, TV, grandparents, etc, to teach, when it is OUR duties gentlemen!

c.     Take the time to be a good example for them to follow- let them watch


2.        Interceed for them - pray for them, and, with them - stand strong for them when they are weak, and don’t know any better!


a.     No parent can completely protect their children from the onslaught of evil that this world is throwing at their children

b.     An few children are capable of handling the onslaught!

c.     So, instead of giving-in, the Christian parent must learn to pray for their kids - to interceed - get close to their Lord who protects (Ps 34:7)


3.        Intercept Satanic Attacks - do spiritual battle for your kids!


a.     Get well aware of Satan’s methods (2 Cor 2:11; 11:14; 1 Pet 5:8)

b.     And do battle on your knees. Do your best in your home, and then cover for your mistakes in your closet!


E.     Have A Goal (Job 1:8) - To Make God Proud (2 Tim 2:4)


1.     God loves Servants - be a servant (John 12:26)

2.     God loves Strangeness - peculiarity. Be different - God’s way (1 Pet 2:9)!

3.     God loves Showing Off - Not that YOU show off, but that God loves being able to point to someone down here that He is proud of, and saying THERE devil! What do you think of that one! That’s my son, or daughter!


III.   Conclusion - OK Dad!


A.    How is YOUR Testimony? - One of Integrity - inner strength


1.        Perfect - Spiritually Mature - Obedient to God - Saved

2.        Upright before God - not ashamed - Sure

3.        Fearing only God - not living a lie - Steadfast (unmoveable)

4.        Eschew Evil - detest, despise things wicked and wrong - Sanctified


B.    How is YOUR Family?


1.        Worried about having children? It is GREAT to have children!

2.        Afraid of more children? It is even GREAT to have lots of children!

3.     Do you Enjoy your family? Do they love and enjoy YOU?!


C.    How is YOUR Job - Do you have one? Are you Good at It? Stay busy for God

D.    What are YOUR Obligations? - God says “Protect Your Children!”


1.     By Instructing Them - “sanctify them” - train them

2.     By Interceeding for them - pray for them - stand strong for them!

3.     By Intercept Satanic Attacks - do spiritual battle for your kids!


E.     What is YOUR Goal as a Father? - Strive to make God Proud


1.     Be a Servant

2.     Go ahead and be a little Strange - God’s way!

3.     Let God Show YOU Off with some pride!