Bearing Fruit

Becoming Fruitful Christians

John 15:1-21
Audio MP3


March 20th  2011 AM

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland


I.       Introduction (John 15:1,2,8,16)


A.     Jesus teaches about a grape vine, and compares it to the Christian life


1.      He does not compare the Christian life to a gold mine, or to a business investment

2.      But to a simple, fruit bearing plant


B.     He uses analogy - symbolism


1.      He says that God the Father is the farmer – the husbandman

2.      Jesus then says that HE is the main vine

3.      He then simply says that believers, followers are BRANCHES


C.     Branches are supposed to produce fruit (John 15:8,16)


1.      Branches are not the grapes – branches PRODUCE grapes

2.      The grapes are the fruit of the branches

3.      It glorifies the farmer – God

4.      It should happen naturally, from every branch

5.      But it never happens accidentally – always by design


D.     The word "fruit" means results, products, outcomes, accomplishments and achievements.


1.      Crops are considered "fruit of the earth."

2.      Children are called the "fruit of the womb."

3.      A man's words are "the fruit of his mouth."

4.      A Christians fruit is more Christians


E.      Bible believing Christians are to be fruitful because of three reasons:


1.      Bearing much fruit glorifies God

2.      It identifies people as Christ's disciples!

3.      And people around us get saved from the wrath to come!


F.      This morning, I want us to want to bear fruit. And not just a little fruit, but MUCH fruit!


II.    Message


A.     Jesus Prepares Us to Produce – God’s Work in Me (John 15:3-12)


1.      Abide in Jesus (John 15:3-7)


a)      A branch should produce fruit naturally, but it never happens accidentally – always by design

b)      Always because of our “attachment” to the VINE (Jesus)

c)      Everything starts with just you and Jesus – your relationship with Him

d)      You can do nothing without Him (John 15:5; 5:19)


1)      Oh, you can drive, and eat, and have friends

2)      But you make no difference, you accomplish nothing without Jesus in your life


e)      You have got to let Him “IN” (John 1:10-12)

f)       Once He is in, abide with Him


1)      Stay close to him

2)      Walk with Him, and talk with Him, lean upon Him, trust in Him – for everything

3)      Abide is to stay, hang around, not leave

4)      Is it possible for Jesus to leave a believer? No (Heb 13:5)

5)      Is it possible that a believer pulls away from Jesus? Yes


g)      Abiding takes effort – make no mistake – a lot of effort – like a marriage

h)      How is your relationship with Jesus? Not with your kids, or your husband, but your Saviour?

i)        Are you abiding, or just visiting Jesus from time to time?


2.      Let Christ’s Words Abide in You (John 15:7,3)


a)      This Book (the words) keeps you clean on the inside (Psalm 119:9,11)

b)      This is the way that God speaks to you as you take time to LISTEN!

c)      These words should be IN you, in your thinking, in your dreams, and part of your vocabulary (Joshua 1:8)

d)      It takes three things (Psalm 1:1-3):


1)      Reading them, from start to finish

2)      Memorizing

3)      Meditating – “To think again and again; to muse; to ponder; to reflect upon.”


e)      Don’t let anything take over your thoughts except the word of God

f)       As a matter of fact, 2Cor 10:5 says to cast down every thought that is not in obedience to Christ

g)      Without God’s word in our hearts and minds, we will never bear fruit – never be successful Christians

h)      We will only be fakers, frauds, two-dimensional veneer instead of through and through!


3.      Do Things God’s Way (John 15:10,11)


a)      That is where the joy is! You will never be happy and full of JOY doing things your own way – that’s a spoiled attitude

b)      Jesus set His face to do His Father’s will (Luke 2:49; 9:51-53; John 4:4)

c)      Will YOU?


1)      So, do YOUR Father’s business – run the race God has for YOU to run!

2)      Whatever God tells you to do, do it! Do it with all your might!

3)      Do the hard things that Jesus asks you to do


a)      Don’t worry about anyone else

b)      Don’t worry that you will be humiliated

c)      Don’t worry about failing, and messing up


4)      Jesus has some hard commandments


a)      Loving one another

b)      Forgive one another

c)      Submit to one another

d)      Lose your life “he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” (Mt 10:29)


4.      Get Back to Loving Again (John 15:12,9)


a)      With God, everything always begins in the heart

b)      Jesus says that we are to love as we have been loved


1)      Unconditionally

2)      Unlimited amount

3)      Unending


c)      It is a commandment, not a wish (John 13:34,35)

d)      It is so necessary in order for believers to produce more believers


1)      It doesn’t matter if someone is a Peter and denies even knowing you…

2)      It doesn’t matter if someone backslides and walks away from you or hurts you

3)      What matters is if you can still love them as Christ still loves YOU?


e)      You can’t say that you love God, and yet hate your brother! It cannot be so!


Jesus had to first, Prepare Us to Produce – God has to Work in Me

B.     Then WE have to Set Out to Produce Fruit (John 15:16-21) – Our Work in the World


1.      A farmer has to make up his mind to plough, and plant, and fertilise, and weed, and then go out and harvest his fields if he wants fruits, vegetables, wheat, barley, suedes, sugar beets, bananas, oranges, strawberries!

2.      The same is true with Christians! We have to determine to live a life that does what is necessary to produce fruit – to see souls saved, and lives changed instead of letting them fall off into hell!

3.      By Going


a)      This is another commandment of our Lord – “I have ordained you” – commanded you!

b)      A simple two letter word – GO


1)      Go as Jesus went (John 17:18; 20:21)

2)      He went everywhere (Mark 1:38)

3)      Start at home with your parents, your wife, your children (Mark 5:18,19)

4)      Doesn’t end until we have reached the ends of the world (Matthew 28:19)


c)      Not only does God call us to go, but everyone in hell is screaming for us to go (Luke 16:27)!

d)      Will YOU go?


1)      Soul-winning?

2)      Supporting financially and prayerfully our missionaries?

3)      Maybe someday yourself to a foreign country to preach the Gospel?


4.      By Praying (John 15:16 ; Mt 9:36-38)


a)      Praying for power from God to enable you to go and tell someone about forgiveness and heaven

b)      Praying for someone who is bound by bitterness and sin

c)      Praying for helpers, labourers, more soul-winners


5.      By Preaching (Jn 15:20; Mark 16:15; Acts 5:20)


a)      No one gets saved until they hear the word of God

b)      Psalm 19:7 – the law of the Lord converts

c)      Romans 10:13-15

d)      Romans 10:17

e)      Say something folks!


1)      Tell someone about a Saviour who is ALIVE and at the door, about ready to wrap things up and judge this world!

2)      Tell them there is a way to be forgiven!

3)      Tell them how!


6.      By Enduring (John 15:18-21; 1Cor 13:7)


a)      Put up with the rubbish they throw back at you

b)      People will not just ignore you, they will hate you, and even persecute you

c)      Not because you are a physical threat, but because the words you speak are like a knife that cuts

d)      And, it will be because they do not know God

e)      Endure so that someone will hear and understand

f)       And then that hearer becomes fruit


III. Conclusion


A.     Jesus teaches about a grape vine, and compares it to the Christian life


1.      He says that God the Father is the farmer – the husbandman

2.      Jesus then says that HE is the main vine

3.      He then simply says that believers, followers are BRANCHES


B.     Branches are supposed to produce fruit (John 15:8,16)

C.     This morning, we have learned how to bear not just a little fruit, but MUCH fruit!


D.     By First Allowing God’s Work in Us (John 15:3-12)


1.      Abide in Jesus (John 15:3-7)

a)      How is your relationship with Jesus? Not with your kids, or your husband, but your Saviour?

b)      Are you abiding, or just visiting Jesus from time to time?


2.      Let Christ’s Words Abide in You (John 15:7,3)


a)      Without God’s word in our hearts and minds, we will never bear fruit – never be successful Christians

b)      Don’t be fakers, frauds, two-dimensional veneer instead of through and through!


3.      Do Things God’s Way (John 15:10,11)


a)      That is where the joy is!

b)      You will never be happy and full of JOY doing things your own way – that’s a spoiled attitude

c)      Jesus set His face to do His Father’s will (Luke 2:49; 9:51-53; John 4:4)

d)      Will YOU?


4.      Get Back to Loving Again (John 15:12,9)


a)      It is so necessary in order for believers to produce more believers

b)      You can’t say that you love God, and yet hate your brother! It cannot be so!


E.      Then by Setting Out to Produce FruitDoing Our Work in the World


1.      By Going


a)      A simple two letter word – GO

b)      Will YOU go?


1)      Soul-winning?

2)      Supporting financially and prayerfully our missionaries?

3)      Maybe someday yourself to a foreign country to preach the Gospel?


2.      By Praying – never giving up praying for someone to get saved and believe the Gospel

3.      By Preaching


a)      No one gets saved until they hear the word of God

b)      Say something folks!


1)      Tell someone about a Saviour who is ALIVE and at the door, about ready to wrap things up and judge this world!

2)      Tell them there is a way to be forgiven!

3)      Tell them how!


4.      By Enduring


F.      Without Jesus, Christian, you can do nothing

G.     Friend, if you are not born again, you are without God, and without hope in this world! Jesus said the only starting place is at the bottom, as a sinner, ruined, and condemned, and only then can you look up into the loving and yearning eyes of our Lord Jesus and ask for full and free forgiveness!





Craig Ledbetter |  Pastor  |  Bible Baptist Church  |  021-4871234  +353-21-4871234  |