Simple Giving!

Making Christmas a Way of Life!

1Corinthians 16:1,2

Dec 2, 2017  AM

Pastor Craig Ledbetter

Bible Baptist Church, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland



I.       Introduction (Luke 12:16-21)


A.    In 1923 nine of the most power men in the world of finance met at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago.


1.      The president of the largest independent steel company;

2.      The president of the largest utility company;

3.      The president of the largest gas company;

4.      The greatest wheat speculator;

5.      The president of the New York Stock Exchange;

6.      A member of the President’s Cabinet;

7.      The greatest bear on Wall Street;

8.      The head of the world’s greatest monopoly;

9.      The president of International Settlements.

10. All of these were the wealthiest men of the day! Impressive array of “power brokers.”


B.    Fast forward 25 years to 1948 to see what happened to these financial giants, these Masters of money:


1.      Charles Schwab died bankrupt.

2.      Samuel Insull died a fugitive from justice, penniless in a foreign land.

3.      Howard Hopson was insane.

4.      Arthur Critten died abroad, insolvent.

5.      Richard Whitney had just been released from prison in Sing Sing.

6.      Albert Fall was pardoned from prison so he could die at home.

7.      Jesse Livermore, Leon Fraser and Ivar Kreuger all committed suicide.

8.      All nine of them died broke, and miserable! Seriously!


C.    All these masters of money… were finally mastered by money. “Money can be a wonderful servant, but it makes a lousy master.”

D.    While it is not sinful to have riches, riches can be a very dangerous thing if a person doesn’t have a Biblical perspective towards the use of money.

E.     And learning how to be a simple giver can make the difference in whether Christmas is a pain, or great joy!


II.   Background


A.    Most people have a big problem with having money, and loving money


1.      Most in the western world seek to be rich (Prov 28:20, 22; 1Tim 6:9)

2.      Most religions are built on money and not truth (John 2:14,15; Mt 21:12,13; Acts 16:18,19)

3.      Money is not the problem – the love of it is (1Tim 6:10)

4.      Getting is our way of life today (Luke 12:15)

5.      When Christianity is supposed to be all about GIVING


a.      Mark 10:17-21

b.      Luke 6:38


B.    The principle of GIVING is one of the most important principles found in Scripture, and is the outward workings of LOVE in the Christian’s life.


1.      The Bible has a lot to say about money

2.      And it would surprise you to know how little most Christians know what it actually says

3.      And it would probably surprise you even more to discover just how right and beneficial God’s ways of managing our monies is

4.      Money, and what we do with it is dealt with extensively in both the Old and New Testaments with commandments and principles for God’s earthly people the Jews, and God’s heavenly people the church.

5.      Scriptural giving is one of the most important subjects for any true believer to learn and live by.


C.    Why? Because,


1.      Giving is part of God’s nature – everything there is, came from Him!

2.      Giving is part of Nature itself. God created everything to be givers


a.      The sun and moon and stars were all created to GIVE light

b.      Apple trees were created to GIVE of their fruit!

c.      Clouds were designed by God to GIVE rain

d.      Families were designed by God to GIVE for the next generation

e.      It’s amazing how stingy the human heart is!


3.      Giving is part of God’s plan for financing our needs as well as the needs of the local church.


a.      You would think GETTING money is how God designed for us to manage our needs

b.      But God designed GIVING THINGS AWAY as the means to be satisfied

c.      AMEN!


D.    When a person learns to give Scripturally, generously and regularly, they demonstrate several important truths in their lives:


1.      A basic faith in God as Creator, and sustainer of their every need (Rom. 11:36; Col. 1:16,17; Phil. 4:19).

2.      A determination to apply Scriptural principles to daily needs and problems (Num. 23:19; Prov. 3:5-10) – instead of just living like everyone else who does not want to believe in God

3.      A desire to send the Gospel around the world through missions and church planting efforts (1 Cor. 3:9; Luke 24:47,48).


E.     How Should We Give Today? Paul outlined some very important principles concerning New Testament giving in his two letters to the Church at Corinth.


III.   Simple Giving (1Corinthians 16:1-2)


A.    In Obedience/Response to the Instructions of the Word of God (16:1)


God lists instructions throughout the Scriptures on HOW to give and why


1.      NOT for its benefit – even though there are many (Prov 22:9; Luke 6:38) – but because God said do it


a.      Old Testament (Exodus 25:2)

b.      New Testament (Acts 20:35)


2.      Started with Tithing


a.      Giving before Christ came was regulated by the standard of TITHING. Out of obedience to God

b.      A tithe is a tenth or 10% of our income.

c.      It is like a tax – taken out of our actual income – not AFTER the government has gotten its hands on it.

d.      Three purposes for the Tithe


1)     For the support of the Levites who served as priests. (Leviticus 27:30; Malachi 3:8-10)

2)     Support of the temple and feast days (Dt. 12:10-18).

3)     It also included supporting the POOR (Dt. 14:28-29).


e.      Beyond Tithing, there were opportunities for FREEWILL OFFERINGS—for special projects.


1)     Offerings to build the tabernacle in the Wilderness (Ex. 25:1-8; 36:3-7). A big, once off offering

2)     Offerings to build the Temple (1 Chron. 29:3-9). Another big, once off offering.


f.       Generally speaking the tithe was always brought to “the storehouse,” or the Temple (Mal. 3:8-10). The central place of worship.


3.      New Testament Giving is beyond Tithing. Out of our LOVE for God (2 Cor. 8:1-7)


a.      In the O.T. giving the tithe was mandatory. Giving in the N.T. is motivated by God’s grace and kindness towards us (2 Cor. 8:1-5).

b.      Example of the Macedonian Christians


1)     They gave out of “their deep poverty” (v. 2). They were at rock bottom—Dirt poor. Today, people consider themselves poor if they can’t go out to dinner each week or can’t afford Netflix.

2)     Grace giving has nothing to do about being “well off” financially.

3)     It is not determined by your ability, but by your attitude and willingness (v. 3 cf. 2 Cor. 9:7).

4)     The Macedonians gave while enduring “a great trial of affliction” (v. 2). They were being squeezed by their difficult situation—They were in an unrelenting pressure cooker.

5)     Yet, out of their troubles and poverty came incredible liberality in giving (vs. 2-3).

6)     Do you think their offering was less than 10%? I believe their giving exceeded 10%. That is what grace does. It doesn’t settle for the minimum under the law. It goes beyond the demands of the law.

7)     It was not the preacher begging the Macedonians to give—It was them begging Paul to let them give (v. 4). “Aw, Come on, Paul! Have a heart. Don’t put limitations on our giving.”


c.      N.T. giving is a demonstration of our love for God (2 Cor. 8:7-8, 24). The measure of your giving is the measure of your love.

d.      1Jn_3:18  “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.”


B.    Giving is for All Christians - “even so do ye”


1.      Do it Personally— (“let every one of you...” 1 Cor. 16:2)


a.      Not just fot those who find it easy, or can ‘afford’ to – but for all of us Christians!

b.      No Christian is exempt from the privilege and responsibility of giving to the Lord’s work. God’s people need to learn to give individually to the work of God. Many times one must give in spite of their circumstances. The widow in the days of Christ gave her mite (Mk. 12:44) and the Macedonian Christians gave out of deep poverty (2 Cor. 8:2). Both Jesus and Paul commended these individuals for their giving because it revealed they gave willingly and sacrificially to the Lord.

c.      “as God hath prospered you” (1 Cor. 16:2)

d.      Don’t worry about what anyone else is giving!


2.      Do it Wholly – in every way – not just from our wallet or purse


a.      We must also remember that giving is not limited to money alone. There are a number of things that we should give to God as He has prospered us.

b.      We should give ourselves or surrender authority over our bodies— (Rom. 12:1,2).

c.      We should give ourselves wholly to the things of God— (1 Tim. 4:15).

d.      We should give attendance to the reading of God’s word— (1 Tim. 4:13).

e.      We should give earnest heed to what we have heard— (Heb. 2:1).

f.       We should give thanks for everything— (1 Thess. 5:18).

g.      We should give our time, our First Day of the week

h.      We should give our MONEY doing whatever is needed for others, and especially for souls


3.      Do it Regularly — (“upon the first day of the week” 1 Cor. 16:2)


a.      The early church began meeting upon Sunday to commemorate the resurrection of the Saviour (Acts. 20:7). They worshiped on this day and brought their offerings a recognition that God in his providence has allowed you to see another Lord’s day to worship ! The offering is an acknowledgment of God’s providential watch care over our lives, and the provision of His grace and mercy through another week.

b.      Teach your children to GIVE – more important than learning a sport, or education, or beauty – teach them to think of OTHERS!

c.      HEY! Does God take regular care of YOU? Then give to Him regularly back!


C.    You Have Got to “Set aside” Money to Give


1.      Loads of different ways to prepare to give


a.      First way is to WORK for money to give


1)     A wealthy charitable man had a number of poor people whom he supported with regular financial gifts. One poor man received a gift of fifty dollars each month. Rain or shine, he came for the money, and always got it. In time, he began to take the monthly gift for granted, as though it were an annuity for life. Once when he came went to the door, the man’s secretary gave him an envelope which contained only twenty-five dollars. ‘You’ve made a mistake,’ the poor man said, ‘I get fifty dollars reach month, not twenty-five.’ ‘I know you always got fifty,’ the secretary replied, ‘but, you see, from now on my employer can only give you twenty-five.’ ‘Why?,’ the man asked, ‘What’s the reason?’ ‘Well,’ she replied, ‘My employer is marrying off his youngest daughter, and the wedding expenses, combined with the support that he is giving to her, is so great that he has to cut down on all his charities.’ ‘Is that so?,’ cried the poor man, trembling with rage. ‘Then tell your employer that if he wants to marry off his daughter in such grand style he should do it with his own money, not with mine!’


2)     Work and earn money of your own, so you can give (Eph 4:28)


2.      Budget, set aside money – the first fruits, first ‘bill’ you pay must be for the Lord


a.      That’s why it is called the tithe – the first tenth of our income

b.      Do NOT wait until all the money is spent before you decide to give to the Lord!!!

c.      If you want money for THINGS that you need, put God FIRST (Matthew 6:33)


3.      No big deal – left hand not know what the right hand is doing. Mat 6:3 “But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth.”

4.      Make it become a way of life – not a wrestling match every week or every two weeks

5.      “that there be no gatherings when I come” (1 Cor. 16:2) – no panic, or rushing around out of guilt


a.      Paul was taking an offering from the small churches that he and others had started, to give to the poor believers at Jerusalem and he did not want to spend time at their meeting begging the saints to do what they should do because of the love of God (1 Jn. 3:16-18).

b.      We also give in our local church to provide a good financial testimony for the church in the community in which we live. Paying our bills, doing whatever we can to preach and present the Gospel through Bible Clubs, Camps, Freedom from Addiction Ministries, Leaflets, Free Bible Give-aways, Church Planting, Children’s Church teaching materials, Bus Ministry, etc!


D.    Be Liberal – the REAL meaning


1.      Story of “We Love Jesus More Than 10%”


a.      Missionary Paul White was known as the “Jungle Doctor.”

b.      One time he came upon two African lepers, with hands so eaten away that they were just bandaged stumps. These two lepers wanted to help the missionaries, so they worked sawing logs into boards for a new part of the mission station.

c.      When the job was done, each leper was paid 30 shillings. Dr. White noticed them dividing their little pile of coins into two equal parts. He asked them why they were doing that. They told him half was for the Lord and half was for them. Dr. White told them, “But that is too much. A tithe is only 10%—Three shillings, not fifteen.” They answered: “But Bwana, we love Jesus far more than 10%!”


2.      Liberal means freely giving, without hesitation – giving more than expected


a.      The modern use of the word liberal is – giving money away that doesn’t belong to you – POLITICIANS do it all the time!

b.      Biblical Christians are supposed to be liberal with their own money! Not stingy, grudging, tight-fisted, selfish, penny-pinching!

c.      If someone were to look at how much you GIVE AWAY of your time and money, would they see a life like Christs’, or like Judas?


3.      A Liberal Giver Gives Sacrificially – not out of abundance, but our of deep poverty sometimes (2 Cor. 8:2)


a.      Most people WAIT until they have money before they give

b.      God says give out of what you already have

c.      There are times when giving will be a sacrifice. During these times our faith is tested, revealed and strengthened.

d.      When we sacrifice we openly reveal what our heart and focus is set upon. No longer animals, but what we treasure – our money and the freedom and power it affords us!

e.      Yes, It will cost you to give

f.       But it will cost you MORE if you don’t give – believe me! You ae robbing God, and you are digging your own hole!


4.      A Liberal gives Cheerfully (2 Cor. 9:7)


a.      You have never known more joy than when you give (Acts 20:35)

b.      Giving should be done cheerfully. What a blessing it is to give to the One who gave His only Son for us (Jn. 3:16; 2 Cor. 9:7).

c.      How contradictory are the words a “stingy Christian.” We might as well speak of an honest thief, or a truthful liar.

d.      How can we who have been saved by God’s amazing grace, how can we not give? (2 Cor. 8:9; Eph. 2:8,9)


5.      Joy in giving is a great measurement of our awareness of what GOD has given us! God has abundantly GIVEN to you everything of value


a.      Your very life and breath

b.      Your family

c.      His own Son in your place on the cross

d.      Eternal life itself

e.      Forgiveness of every sin, past, present and future

f.       A mansion in heaven for all eternity

g.      God’s Holy Spirit present in your life forever

h.      The gifts of the Holy Spirit

i.        And on and on and on the list goes

j.        Your giving back to Him will show if you are even aware of any of this!




A.    So Pastor, what do I do?


1.      You tithe of your income – there are no money problems in a church of people, no matter how small, when everyone is tithing

2.      And you give more than the tithe – as much as you love the Lord Jesus! Christian giving goes beyond the tithe.

3.      You give as unto the Lord – not to church, or to the poor – but for the Lord!


B.    Make it a lifestyle – a way of life from this day forward! Christian giving should radiate from one’s lifestyle.


1.      There are things a Christian will not have, and will live without when we practice Christ-like giving.

2.      As C.S. Lewis has pointed out in his book Mere Christianity— “If our expenditure on comforts, luxuries, amusements, etc., is up to the standard common among those with the same income bracket as our own, we are probably giving too little. If our giving does not at all pinch or hamper us, I should say that it is too small. There ought to be things we should like to do and have, but we cannot because our charitable expenditure excludes them.”

3.      What is he saying? That if you give like Christ asks of us, then you won’t have what everyone else has that makes 25,000 a year! You will be behind them in possessions and houses and cars and wealth.

4.      But then again, We will have MORE than they ever could dream! More of the things and blessings that matter!


C.    How has your giving affected your everyday life? What is it costing you in how you live?

D.    The beginning of stewardship is found in 2 Corinthians 8:5. Giving themselves!

E.     It’s time we grow up and man up and start giving like Christ calls us to – Like he did!

F.     2Co_8:9  “For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.”